Monday, November 2, 2009


It is November 3, 2009, and it has been 8 months since I've logged into my blog. A lot has happened/changed in those 8 months!
We have bought a home and had the joy of moving. Honestly not my favorite thing to do with all of our "stuff".
The kids finished their school year at the public school! They were all so excited when school was out and begging me to home school them again! So we are full swing in to homeschooling the 6 oldest.
Obadiah has been discharged from both of his therapies and 2 of his specialist, Praise the Lord for that!! He is doing exceptionally well. And we are in awe daily at how far God has brought him. He truly is a miracle.
We have also found out that we are going to have 8 blessings! I am having a scheduled c-section on November 19Th, which is a completely new experience for me. Three of my seven children have been born at home, two at a birth center, and two at the hospital. Obadiah was born via c-section but it definitely wasn't planned. So this is a new and exciting. For the first time we actually "know" what day we'll be having our baby! BTW if our ultrasound is correct baby number 8 is a BOY, we're planning on naming him Hezekiah James.
Well I think that about catches me up on the big changes in our daily living. At least all I can think of at almost 2:00 a.m.
Hopfully I'll be a little more dilligent with this in the forth coming weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Lucinda, It was great to hear from you... I hope to get to know you better. Congratulations on your pregnancy. Having a large family is such a blessing.

    I can't imagine us moving with all our stuff either. I love living on our farm. Raising our children in the country has been the best.

    Hope you will share some pics soon. Hope you have a perfect Homeschooling year. Email me anytime. Let me know if I can help you with your blog in any way. Blessings,
