Monday, November 9, 2009

a poductive day

Saturday I took Elijah and Obadiah into Sarasota for their well checks. They had appointments at 9:00 and 9:20. So we get to the doctor's office, sign in, and go outside to wait (to avoid all of the germs) when the receptionist comes out and says "what are they here for today?"
Me- "well checks"
receptionist- just kinda looks at me and says"OK"
Me- "what's wrong?"
receptionist- "well their actually not on the schedule until next Saturday".
Me- "Are you kidding me?"
receptionist- "we'll work you guys in because I know you have a long drive to get here"
Me- "thank you but you guys look like your already really booked, we'll come back next Saturday"
receptionist-"if your sure"
Me-" yeah it was my mistake, we'll see you next week"

So after that mildy irritating event, the boys and I decide to go garage sailing! I still needed a couple of things for the baby, so I thought maybe we could find them at a yard sale. Sarasota had SO many yard sales on Friday, and I was able to get an infant car seat for $5.00 and a solid pinewood dining room table with 6 chairs for $50.00! It's huge and fits all of us comfortably!! WooHoo! I am so thankful for this table, we've been sitting either half in the living room and half in the dining room to eat or squished together at the table. So this is so exciting to me!
Elijah also got a few good deals. He got a razor scooter for $5.00, a basketball hoop with balls for $5.00, and a bow for .50! He decided that he really likes garage sales :)
All in all it turned out to be a good day!

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