Thursday, November 5, 2009

What I'm thankful for today...

Today I'm thankful for:
My relationship with Jesus Christ
My children's laughter coming from the "school room" where they're supposed to be working :)
That it's still warm enough outside that my kids are going outside in shorts and t-shirts. {pants make SO much more laundry}
That Obadiah is learning to communicate in ways other than point and scream.
That I had a nice, big, ice cold, Pepsi for breakfast!
Paper towels- they're great replacements for wipes when you run out.
The different "quirks" that each of my kids have and how each of them, with they're "quirks", completes us as a family
My husband
and the fact that he still puts up with me during these last few months of pregnancy
because I know it's not always easy.
My planner-I'd be lost without it!
Well that's my list for today! What are you thankful for??

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