Monday, November 16, 2009

Getting Ready for Hezekiah!!

Today is Monday the 16th of November, and in just 3 short days I'm scheduled to have my 8th blessing!! I'm getting a little nervous, but excited at the same time. I've been "nesting" these last couple of weeks ans I always like the way that makes me feel....closets cleaned out and reorganized, baby stuff washed and set up, cabinets cleaned out and reorganized for baby bottles and such. Just feels so good! I am however a little nervous about Thursday because we've never had a planned c-section and I'm not sure what to expect. The last time we went through this it wasn't exactly a pleasant experience. I'm pretty sure things will be different this time around but it's still different than what I'm used to.
I wonder a lot of things: I wonder how long I'll have to wait to hold him? How long until I can nurse him? How long will I be restricted in what I'm supposed to do? ( not that I usually follow that guide line ) but I'm thinking with the c-section you kinda have to a little more :) On top of the many questions swirling around in my brain about the actual c-section, I'm wondering how my little Obadiah is going to handle this...he hasn't been away from me for this amount of time since he's been released from the hospital....AHHH! He'll be in good hands, it's not that I don't trust those that will be watching him, it's just so new and different. What about the rest of my kids, how will they handle being away from me for 3 days? The older ones will hold it together but I know it still won't be easy for them. Nehemiah probably won't mind too much the first day but I'm worried about the second and third day. And even when I do get to come home I won't be back to my "normal" self. I just can't wait until this is done and I'm at home taking care of my "gang" again. Or maybe they'll be taking care of me! Guess we'll have to wait and see. Until then I'm leaving all of these "wonders and worries" with God, he seems to handle them better than I do anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Lucinda, Praying your c-section went great. How are you and baby doing? Can't wait to see pics and hear your birth story. Blessings,
