Thursday, October 29, 2015

When God answers prayers

Today the boys and I were talking about the way God answers prayers. Sometimes it's right away and the way you want it, but sometimes we have to wait...and wait...and wait...still sometimes it's not answered the way we were hoping. I was telling them that it's important to always be ok with God's timing AND his answer. It's not something I think is easy by any means and I fail at it alot.
    That led to a discussion on answered prayers in our life...
Back in September Nehemiah was really hoping to see the total lunar eclipse. The moon was going to be red, and it won't happen again for another 40 years or so. We had a count down going on, planned to stay up super late, and take pictures for our astronomy binders. The night of the Eclipse "happened" to be very cloudy. I mean so cloudy it was black outside! We couldn't see any stars or the moon.
First check 8pm...nothing
Second check 8:20...nothing
Third check 8:50...nothing
This went on until 10:30..still nothing. At this point most of the kids gave up and went to bed. As we were walking inside I silently prayed that God would let the clouds part long enough for Nehemiah to see the moon while it was red. We went back out at 11:00...we stood out there talking for a few minutes, slapping mosquitos when all of a sudden the clouds parted and there it was! We were elated! We didn't have our camera so we didn't get a picture. It didn't matter, we saw it! As we were walking inside I told Nehemiah about my prayer. He stopped, looked up at me and said, "mom, I did too! I asked God if he could move the clouds so that I could see the moon while it was red." We both went to bed feeling very blessed!
I love sharing this life with my people!

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