Wednesday, December 9, 2015

I love "Luci"? Episode 1 part 1

Sometimes I feel like my day is an I Love Lucy episode.
I love to laugh and think it's good for the soul. Life's too short not to laugh. You know all those laughter sayings , yeah I like em... and I like to laugh.
My husband doesn't necessarily feel the same way and unfortunately he doesn't find the humor in my antics the way Ricky Ricardo did... but that doesn't stop me.
So this "episode" happened on black Friday. I didn't get to go fun black Friday shopping this year. My dear hubby is remodeling our home and so I decided to stay home and be supportive...
So first thing in the morning he asked  me to go to home depot to pick up some materials for the day. My response, "sure, this will be a breeze. It's black Friday nobody will be at home depot . We'll be in and out in no time!" After my older boys took the first 3 rows of seats out of our 15 passenger van to give us room for our stuff my accomplices I mean daughters and I head out. We had an uneventful drive into town. Some talking and laughing. So we get to the HD and our first "job" was to locate one of those carts that is divided into sections and you can stand drywall up in and you won't take up the whole isle. (Drywall was on my list) so we, being women, ask an associate where to locate these carts. All the way on the other side of the store... no worries we head over and get one. Ok. Now for our list  that went smoothly until we needed the drywall. We knew we were going to ask for help loading it but first we wanted to pick out which pieces we wanted because hubby is kinda picky about bent corners and such. So we get the pieces picked out and I "hunt" down 2 workers. Worker man #1 was not happy to be working on black Friday and complained about my choice of cart...worker man #2 was very happy and helpful. So they load our cart and we're off to check out. This would be a good time to say that lots of people do indeed shop at home depot on black Friday. So lanes 1 and 2 were marked home depot Pro, I assumed this meant contractors so we go to the long line in lane 3. We're standing there waiting our turn just chatting when my girls start whispering mom and motioning for me to turn around. So I do...and I see I'm turning around to ask them what they're talking about I catch a glimpse of someone peeking over the drywall in my cart...and I SCREAM! Not some little this was full out everyone stops what there doing and stares at you scream. Turns out it was worker #2 coming to tell me I could move to lane 1 if I didn't want to wait in line. He wasn't trying to peek he just happened to be a little on the short side. Needless to say my girls were as embarrassed as I was.
If that wasn't enough we decide to load these 5 heavy pieces of drywall into the van ourselves because we thought the workers wouldn't be as careful as we would. The loading itself really wasn't too bad. We worked together and had it loaded in about 20 minutes. I'm sure it was a sight but we were happy with the process.
Time to hit the road, one daughter sat in front of the drywall so that it wouldn't fall and the other one was riding shot gun. Well, we were doing great UNTIL I made a left hand turn. Now mind you I went slowly but apparently I don't give gravity enough consideration because before I finished that turn my youngest daughter was under the drywall. I tried not to laugh but sometimes you just can't help it.  So shotgun rider jumps back there to help her sister out and finished the drive sitting back there to help "protect" the drywall or the sister from my driving...
Stay tuned for part 2 of this crazy "episode"...

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