Thursday, October 8, 2015

What's happening over here

We've had quite a busy week here since I posted last.'s always busy... ~Church, had a few extra events going on at church this week that took up some extra time. One of which was our first ever FIELDS OF FAITH. Our local chapter of FCA (fellowship of Christian athletes) hosted a time of praise and worship. It was a very neat experience. Our church praise team led worship, several youth gave their testimonies, several coaches/teachers shared a word, and a group of talented girls did a dance/drama. Very moving service. I am so encouraged to see our youth stand up and say "I'm not ashamed of the gospel and what Christ has done for me!" ~home, Elijah is getting ready to have a birthday so we've been planning fun stuff for his birthday weekend. And then he had an unexpected offer to go with his best friend to north Carolina! He gets to fly on an airplane! And be in a new state! and be away from his siblings! He's pretty excited to say the least. This is the first time any of my kiddos have been away for their birthday, and I'm a little sad about it. But I couldn't say no to this opportunity for him. Birthday celebration is going to wait a week so I have a few more days to plan. I've also been cleaning out my closet. Let's just say it's been long overdue. I have a ton of stuff to consign though, so that's a plus. (This is me trying to find the positive in the situation, because it hasn't been fun) That's basically my week in a nutshell. How's yours been?

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