Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Gah! It's been too long...again

It's been a few weeks again. I'm trying to balance and it's hard! I know I'm not the only one that needs to find balance and it looks different for everyone. The older my kids get the harder it seems to be getting. More events, more commitments, more school, more of almost everything but me! With each stage my kids have been in I've tried to enjoy it, knowing that someday I would look back and miss those times. The sleepless nights in the newborn stage, all the messes made during the toddler years, all of the questions in the 5-8 year old times, the seemingly endless homework and projects (before we homeschooled), then the looong days after we started homeschooling, sports practices and games, and so on... So I'm telling myself to step back, enjoy, don't won't last forever. But laundry still needs to be done, these kids don't feed themselves (although they'd love the chance to!), school has to be completed, church at least twice a week, add in there baseball for the boys and horses for the girls and I'm spent. So until I get it figured out I'll keep my eyes on Christ and keep on plugging on. That may mean not as many posts as I was initially planning. But I will still try. What we've been doing since I last posted: Packed lunches for the public school kids to take home over the weekend (we do that every other week) Cleaned out my closet!! Cleaned out the pantry Cleaned out the school room Hung pictures in the living room, dining room, and my room-finally! Wrote out my school plan for the next month Next on my agenda is: meal planning for next week Butchering 40 chickens Cleaning out the boys closet And cleaning out kitchen cabinets and drawers Last week's game for the youth was called "socks". Basically I split the kids up into boy and girl sides and they had to try to get eachothers socks off. The last person wearing a sock was the winner. Unfortunately I picked an area that had sand spurs in it... Yeah, I'll pick a different spot next time. But the kids did enjoy it and want to do it again! Now I have exactly an hour to figure out what we're doing for tonight's game.

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