Friday, December 18, 2015

Episode 1 part 2!

So we did make it home and when we unloaded the drywall only one corner was bent and it wasn't much. Go us!
So after lunch my dear hubby needed more stuff, this time for the hot water heater...
So I suggest that he ride with me, with 8 kids there's not much alone time and I'll take what I can get..
Off to the hardware store we go. As we're sitting at a red light waiting and chatting I notice a police officer pulls out of a parking lot and behind me. I wasn't concerned because I wasn't doing anything illegal. We keep chatting and as the light turns green I go. As I'm getting into the turning lane I see lights. Red and blue lights.Mind you I've only gotten pulled over once in my life and it was not my most favorite thing ever. So I am nervous. As the officer walks up to the car my hubby says, "it's a women. You're getting the ticket for whatever she pulled you over for." I'm still thinking I didn't do anything, so although I'm nervous I'm not feeling guilty...
Our conversation goes something like this:
Officer-good afternoon, do you know why I pulled you over?
Me- no ma'am.
Officer- well I noticed your tags are expired. May I see your registration, insurance, and drivers license.
Me-sure, as I hand everything over.
Then she sees my husband who is mildly irritated at this point and says, "I need to see your ID as well sir"
So hubby hands his over as well.
So we sit and wait and wait and wait...27 minutes to be exact. At this point I'm just like seriously give me the ticket and let me go. We were laughing and having a nice little date on the side of the road while waiting but seriously we had work to get back to.
Officer comes back and hands us our papers and licenses and says, "both of your ID's are clean, no warrants on either of you. "
Me-um, shwew I was really worried about that!
Officer- ....
She obviously doesn't get my sense of humor.
Me-sorry I was just kidding.
Officer-I wrote you a citation for the tags. You must get those updated. It's the law.
Me-*snickering* yes ma'am.
And thank you
Husband-did you just thank her? You must be the only person to ever thank a cop for a ticket!
So we are finally able to go home. As we're pulling away my dear hubby says, "leave that ticket in here in case you get pulled over again before we get it paid on Monday."
Of coarse I think to myself there is no way that I'm getting pulled over again before Monday.
So later that evening we run out of drinking water at the house. I think I'll just run over to my moms and grab a gallon or two from her but hubby needs something else in town so the girls and I head into town. Again.
Remember that earlier my son removed all but the last row of seats so that we could get all of our drywall in the van? (See earlier post)
We didn't take the time to put them back in so daughter # 1 just sat on the floorboard near the front seats so she could hear the conversations.
 I know illegal...
On the way into town... no problem.
On our way home daughter # 2 gets to ride in the back. We bought a few cases of water so I told her to put a case of water between the two front seats and it would look like she was in a seat to any passing cars. Again I know not only illegal but deceptive.  So we're driving home and all of a sudden there are 2 police officers behind me with lights on!
 Are you kidding me?
 This is NOT happening...
So I pull over and they pass me!
Whew! As we're waiting at a stop light we can see that there was an accident down the street to the left. Daughter #2, whom is still sitting on a case of water, says we should drive down there to see what happened. I said nope, not driving into that mess. We can see at least 9 police cars plus an ambulance. So we continue home. I can see an officer driving towards us and I say to daughter #2 if he flips around behind us you have to go to the back and get buckled. Clearly I'm feeling extremely guilty at this point.  Sure enough he passes us and makes a u-turn. He's now 4 cars behind us and we can see him passing the cars as he gets the chance until he makes it behind us. Then he flips on his brights. Which is really annoying and makes it extremely hard to drive. So I slow down and he turns them off. Then he turns them back on so I nail my brakes and he turns his lovely red and blue lights on. So I pull over. At this point I'm thinking I really can't believe this is happening. Once in my whole life and now twice in one day!
Officer-good evening, the reason I pulled you over is there was a hit and run in town and the vehicle matches yours.
Me- well I didn't hit anyone but your more than welcome to look at my van.
Officer- can I please see your drivers license?
Me -yes sir.
He looks at the van and my ID. Then says by the way are you aware that your tags are expired?
Me- yes sir, I am. Actually I just received a ticket for that today.
Officer- do you happen to still have that citation with you?
Me- yes I do. (Thank you hubby for that advice!)
He looked over it and said OK, have a good evening.
We all had a good laugh when we got home and filled the boys in on our adventure..
Can you imagine if I'd gone down to look at what was going on when my daughter suggested that. Now that would have been an episode by itself!

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