Saturday, March 26, 2011

Try Again?

Once again it has been a LONG time since I've updated and I sit here wondering do I try again or just let it go altogether? Well I'm sitting here typing, might as well give it a go!
Alot has happened/changed since my last update. We're in the full swing of homeschooling and loving it! We are finally able to be a part of a homeschooling group. This is the first time since we've been homeschooling. Obadiah does still suffer from a cold EVERY TIME we get together, but he is able to kick the cold with out any doctor intervention. So we're trying it, and quite honestly loving it! I really missed having Godly, like minded women to talk to. The group is such a blessing in my life.
Josiah is 15 now! He is doing extremely well in school. He is also such a help to me. I often say he is like my left arm, I couldn't do much without him. He is waiting patiently on getting his permit, we're hoping to be able to get it next month. Josiah enjoys reading in his spare time, can't complain about that!
Olivia is also growing up too quickly. She is in sixth grade. School is not her favorite thing to do, but she does apply herself fully to her studies. You can always find her outside with an animal. She is very gifted with any type of animal. She does enjoy reading after it gets dark. :)
Kayla is in fifth grade this year. She loves school, and is a very easy child to teach. I think God knew I'd need an easy learner somewhere in our line up :) She also enjoys spending time outside with animals. She spends much of her extra time reading.
Elijah is in third grade. School isn't his favorite thing in the world, but he is a great student! Elijah has reached a BIG milestone this year, he now loves to read. In the past it has been very difficult to get him engaged in reading, he simply did it because he had to. This year I picked up a book at Goodwill one afternoon, and thought "hmm, I wonder if anyone at home would like this?" When I brought it home Elijah looked at it and asked if he could read it. I of course said yes. About an hour later he says to me, "I like to read!" When I ask him later what the difference was, he said," I don't know, I just like this book". His first choice would still be to be getting dirty, but I'll take what I can get!
My little Jedidiah is in second grade. He enjoys everything so far. He's a very easy going kid. Goes with the flow kinda kid. He helps out by keeping his younger brothers entertained. He is our "class clown" He brings much joy to our home.
Nehemiah is doing pre-K. He loves to do his "homework". He is also one of my morning kids. He gets up and has no problem getting started with a smile on his face. That is going to be a good habit to have as he gets older. He is learning to read! and very excited about it. But his biggest accomplishment (according to him)this year is rhyming words. He enjoys this very much!
Obadiah and Hezekiah are keeping me very busy. Obadiah is almost three. He is a very busy three year old, and I am constantly reminding myself of the words that I spoke almost three years ago. " I will be thankful for the messes, temper tantrums, and disobedient times this child brings me" because he is here to bring them! God is really making sure I meant those words :) Hezekiah is also very busy. What Hezekiah doesn't think to get into, Obadiah helps him out by showing him. They play very well together, and sometimes fight well together. I do love to see the bond growing between them. Obadiah does a really good job looking out for Hezekiah.
Well that about sums it up around here. The mister is working when he has work, and I'm doing what I do. Schooling, loving, cleaning, laundry-ing, and on and on:)
Lets see how soon I get back here to post again!

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