Thursday, February 4, 2010

computer crash!

It's been a while since my last post, I just haven't been able to get into a good groove with all of my things since Hezekiah's been born :( I'm in a funk... But I'm sure this too shall pass. On a positive note I have to say "I have the best baby!" He is so content and satisfied all the time. He's also sleeping a good solid 7 hours at night for me! Hard to believe he's already 11 weeks old. Next week I have to take him to the urologist to check a hernia but the pediatrician seems to think it's nothing to worry about at this point. We're back full swing in school and the kids are doing good with that. I'm trying to figure out what curriculum I want next year, I'm not happy with all that we have this year. So we'll see what I can figure out with that. Oh and about the title to this post, computer crash, that's exactly what happened to our laptop so now I'm trying to use an ancient desk top that is SO slow :( Trying to be thankful that I at least have this one....speaking of being thankful I am very thankful for my family, I have the BEST kids! This has been a little bit of everything and probably nothing all at the same time...:)and no new pictures but that will have to wait until I figure out how to do that on this dinosaur.

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