Monday, March 16, 2009

pictures of Obadiah in the hospital

Obadiah at SMH about 4 hours old, this is the first time I got to see him.

Obadiah at ACH about 36 hors old, he gained almost 4 pounds in this 36 hours.

He was retaining so much fluid that his body looked like plastic.

Here is our little guy with his pacifier and he's got his eyes open!

Obadiah's med pole.

Mommy just watching her little man.

sleeping peacefully, and a lot less swollen.

This is Obadiah post heart surgery. His right hand looked awful, it took the I.V. team an hour and a half to get hi I.V. placed. They actually ended up having to cut his wrist to get it placed.

1 comment:

  1. He is Precious. Hope to see pics soon. Pray he is doing well. Blessings,
