Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Women's retreat

This week I was able to go to a women's retreat about an hour away. I went with a group of ladies from my church. We had 18 women from our church. There were 6 churches that came together for this retreat. It was a time of refreshment and renewal. The fellowship was so sweet. This is the second time I've attended and I was so blessed to see and catch up with some of the ladies I met last year. We are all from within about a 50 mile radius but I don't run into them during the year. The villa I stayed in had 4 rooms, each with private bathrooms, and a main gathering room in the center. We had 10 ladies in total staying there, ranging in age between 26 and upper 70's! Let me tell you, these ladies were a hoot! We stayed up late laughing until we were crying. I couldn't imagine a better group of gals to room with, each of them were so genuine and enjoyable to be around. I can truly say I learned something from each of them. The worship service on Thursday night was amazing. We sang songs from back in my youth group days! At one point in " Alive, Alive, Alive forevermore " I closed my eyes and I could just imagine what it will sound like in heaven, all of our voices blended together singing praises to our God. Brought tears to my eyes and overwhelming joy to my heart. Friday morning we enjoyed listening to a speaker share about "Casa David".(you can Google it to find information about it) It was the mission project that was being sponsored. It is a lot like our Ronald McDonald houses. Our goal was to raise $1000.00 for them through a silent auction. We each brought jewelry or "girl stuff" from home to donate. I got a "new to me" purse! I love it! We ended up raising $2000.00! Isn't that wonderful!?! We then broke out into smaller groups, learning different topics. I attended a class on parenting, one on marriage, and one on sowing seeds. Those classes were offered on Friday and Saturday morning. Friday afternoon we went into a small neighboring town and had a great pumpkin race. The ladies in charge hid 10 pumpkins around town and a few on the grounds of the retreat and each pumpkin had a value that you could apply to the cost of next year's retreat! I didn't find any, but a few ladies from our group did! We finished on Saturday afternoon, and left the grounds after lunch. My crew was ready for me to be home, although they did have a good time with dad. They got to go to McDonald's for dinner one night and had doughnuts for breakfast one morning and practiced a litle baseball! He spoils them when I'm gone. 😆 I'm feeling ready for the week, how bout you?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Did I just say that?

As a mother there are times I find myself saying things that are so bizare, all that i can do is step back for a minute and laugh. These are a few of the things (and the reasons) I laugh. ~Please get the horse out of my kitchen! *daughter #2 woke me up from a nap to show me the awesome "trick" she taught her mini-horse. She had led the horse up the stairs and into the kitchen. Apparently it's pretty impressive to get a horse to walk up stairs. ~why is there a chicken under the Christmas tree? *daughter #1 thought she'd bring one of our chickens inside and put her in the Christmas tree so she could be reminded of her natural habitat... hmm, put her back out in her natural habitat! ~where are your shoes? *while getting out of the car at wal-mart son #2 doesn't have shoes! Followed by frantically serching the van for any sort of shoes that would luck, hopefully they won't notice?? ~we don't drink puddle water! *son #1 drank puddle water on a dare...hmm, guess we have to talk about peer pressure. ~peas are not for throwing! *son #2 (2years old at the time) thought that the peas on his plate would be better to throw than eat, he still probably thinks that but thankfully has more self-control! ~what did you put in your nose? *to daughter #2 (3 years old at the time) after she told me something was stuck in her nose, it was a soft foam purple craft heart. Took an hour and a half to get it out. We actually decided to take her to the ER, when I thought let's try one more time. And it worked! ~where are your shoes? To son #2 as we're getting out at CHURCH! ~can someone please tell me why there are no underwear in the boys' dirty laundry this week? *still waiting on an answer to that one! ~who put worms in my refrigerator? *sons 2,3,and 4 informed me that they live longer that way, so they stay happily beside the milk until they end up on a hook... Those are just a few of the funny things I've found coming out of my mouth since becoming a parent.