Tuesday, April 5, 2011

too much of a good thing?

I try to teach my little ones that most things can be good if used or done in moderation. This lesson applies to SO many areas of our lives. From food to leisurly activities to the people we surround ourselves with. Most of my children love to read! People are always saying to me "that's wonderful, I wish my kids wanted to read like that. I'd let them read as much as they wanted!" I agree it is a wonderful thing, and I'm thankful that they do enjoy it, BUT I do not think that it would be OK for them to read as much as they wanted. We might not see them for days on end :) We've set limits for them, to try and keep a healthy balance. Reading is just one example in our home that we try to teach using moderation (which btw is also using self control) Food is another big one. With 8 munchkins around the table, its easy to try and out do each other or think someone else might get more. Instead of controlling how much goes onto the plate I try to stress, its ok to get more IF your still hungry. MOre than once someone has left the table a little irratated because they still wanted to eat but weren't hungry :) I enjoy seeing them use that self control! I also believe people is another area that we should use self control/moderation. We have quite a few neighbor kids that like to come over and hang out. Some of them stay for a little while and some of them stay for a long while. I've had to set some bounderies so that our family can still have time to ourselves. I didn't have too many happy campers when the bounderies were set but I hope that someday they'll be able to see I did it for the well~being of our family. I guess thats what been weighing on my this week.
What do ya know 2 post in one week!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


This week has been a challenging one to say the least. I am reminded that I should put others before myself. Show the people that God brings into my life HIS love. I must admit I'm not always succesful in this area. I can be kind and show love to the people that I like and that are nice to me, but what about the people that aren't? How do I treat them? Do I walk passed these individuals without so much as a glance or thought? Unfortunately sometimes I do. Christ came to this earth for not just me, but for EVERYONE. It is not my place to decide who should hear the good news. Just deliver it to the ones God directs in my path. Anyways thats what been on my heart this week.