Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hezekiah James !

Well he's here and doing great! We went into the hospital on the 19th at 2:30 as planned and got ready, I was definitely nervous. But we had the best nurses and all of the staff was so nice and welcoming! A huge difference from our last experience at SMH. The doctor was 2 hours behind because of emergencies, the hardest part about that was that I was so thirsty! I hadn't had ANYTHING to eat or drink since 8:00 that morning. I just wanted a drink :) At the same time I was praying for the families that needed to have the emergencies, we've been there and I know the thing these families needed most was prayer. So at about 6:15 we went back to the O.R. and got started. Hezekiah was born at 6:54. The first thing I heard was his beautiful cry, and that in turn made me cry. It really was the best sounding cry I think I've ever heard! The doctor lifted him over the sheet and my first thought was I love him so much already, he's perfect! He weighed 6 pounds and 12 ounces and was 19 and 3/4 inches long! I got to hold him as soon as we were in recovery and he was just looking at me and seemed to be taking everything in. We finally made it to our room at 9:30 and the nurse told us that Myron had to leave at 10:00 :( We were a little sad about that but understood. ( we were sharing a room with someone else ) I was discharged on Saturday afternoon! And boy was I glad to be home and see my kiddos! I'm pretty sure the feeling was mutual. They were so happy to meet their new brother. ( no one under 18 was allowed in the hospital because of H1N1 ) We've been home and adjusting to life with our new little guy ever since! He is such a good baby, he's awake to eat and cries when he needs a new diaper or is hungry. I'm loving every minute of it!! ( even the late night feedings )